Autism Oklahoma is a charitable organization and we are funded 100% by public donations and involvement! 

Please consider donating to us!  Your donation will help a child go to camp, help a family experience an activity together, help a parent group to bring in just the right speaker or help someone with autism to prepare for college.  With your help, we can achieve our dream of advancing the state of Oklahoma in its ability to serve families affected by autism!

Here are ways you can get involved!

Monetary Donation

A one-time or monthly monetary donation to Autism Oklahoma makes you a partner in the great work we are doing!  By donating, you share in the success and the difference we are making in the lives of children and families in Oklahoma!


Be a volunteer for one of our events or Connection Circles.  Think about a fundraiser you might be able to help with or ask a group you attend to consider Autism Oklahoma as a beneficiary for one of their activities!  This can make a big difference in getting the word out about autism and helping our community be more accepting.  Complete a volunteer form and let us know how you would like to help!

Donate Items

Would you like to donate items in your home or business to Autism Oklahoma?  If so, check out our wish list!  These items can help us with our existing programs!


If you are an avid Facebook user, we need you!  Like our pages and post on our page.  We want to build a community of fun and help for our families.